about 1., MDT bundle creator computer and bare metal server computer can be on different computers
about 2., MDT bundle creator computer is needed to create the MDT bundle. After that it’s created and uploaded to BigFix environment through console (you can also manually copy the content of the created stuff on a computer where the console is installed), the MDT Bundle creator computer is no more needed (unless you have to create it again in the future), while the Windows deployment will continue to use the uploaded MDT bundle.
Well, Let’s assume I have two OS Deployment servers on two different machines named BFOSD_A and BFOSD_B where MDT Bundle creator is not available. Now I have MDT bundle creator installed on BFMDT_A machine and bundles are uploaded to BigFix server.
So here my question is, can I use the MDT bundle which I’ve uploaded from BFMDT_A machine or do I need to create any on the OSD server machines?
NOTE: The MDT Bundle creators which are listed under MDT Bundle Creators and Windows Media tab of Bundle and Media Manager dashboard, the OS Deployment server property will be blank as it only shows if OSD server is installed on MDT Bundle Creator machine.
MDT Bundle is not related and does not contain information or customization for any specific bare metal server or any specific network. After that you create and upload it, it can be used for bare metal profiles sent to any of the bare metal servers in your environment (in case of bare metal deployment) or for any re-imaging target (in case of re-image deployment).
Thanks @sergio_tarchi, I was just bit confused and assumed that If there is an OS Deployment server, then we need to install MDT Bundle creator and upload the MDT bundle on that same OSD server.
I have another concern about the uploading of MDT Bundle. Suppose my BigFix console named BFConsole_A and MDT Bundle creator installed and the bundle is created on MDTBundle_A.
Now while uploading the MDT bundles from BFConsole_A, the upload directory by default is C:\BigFixOSD\MDTBundle\Content\Deploy which is available in MDTBundle_A shows a warning saying BigFix Console is running on a machine which is not the selected target. Ensure that MDT Bundle or OS resource folder to be imported is accessible from the BigFix Console.
So, how can I provide the MDT bundle location from BFConsole_A machine or do I need to install BigFix console on MDTBundle_A machine and upload the bundle from there?
you can copy the folder from the MDT bundle creator computer to the computer where the console is running or map a network drive (if possible) from the computer with the console to the computer with the MDT Bundle folder.
the copy of the MDT Bundle to upload could be done also through an USB key (e.g. also copying the the entire C:\BigFixOSD) if the computers are not connected via network.
In any case also installing the BigFix console connected to the BigFix environment on the MDT bundle creator computer could be a solution.