OS Deployment and Baremetal site change

It appears that there was a recent change to the content in the OSD site that requires a few new things like updating the whitelist and the MDT bundle. I usually receive the emails of content updates, but I did not see anything for this. Did anyone get it or was there nothing sent?

The site I have now is version 51. Does anyone have information on the site changes and what updates were done and why?



Looks like they sent out the announcement 10 minutes ago.

Just got it too and was just coming back here to say it :smile:

Of course we are just going through a new implementation of this and it changes. Grr.

Getting an error trying to download it from FixCentral…

And THIS is why I am going to have to set OSD up in an Air-Gapped IEM environment. So we can control the update of the site content.


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I really think there should be an option to lock a site and unlock in a managed change.

I know you can achieve this with air-gap, but that is a pain in itself :smile:

Have you solved the download issue from FixCentral?

What I would like to understand is why this has not been made into a fixlet that we can just use. Make it like all the other fixlets and let me just download it. It is frustrating to have to try to find someone with access to fix central to get this file.

Maybe this is a RFE. So I opened http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=68729


Hello Martin,
we are aware that the need to download the bare metal server from FixCentral makes the deployment flow cumbersome.
There are legal and technical reasons that still prevent us from making it more seamless, but we are working to provide this in the near future.
Thanks for opening the RFE, it will help us prioritize


We handle updates like this (and customizations in the CIS / DISA / USGCB checklist sites) by copying the entire site content into a custom site when we want updates. We don’t necessarily subscribe the clients to the out-of-box sites, but to our custom copies of the sties.

I have done that with some content in the past too. It does work, just wish I did not have to. A nice “I approve this content” button would be nice :wink: