I need your guidance and support to accomplish my task. I have received a intimation that we need to do Oracle DB Cluster patching using BigFix. I am never did this type of patching using BigFix before. I was always involved in OS non cluster patching.
Kindly guide me from the scratch so that I can deliver the same. Thanks in Advance.
Thanks, But what are the Pre-requisites to fulfill before Oracle Cluster patching and what are the Steps need to follow for patching. If you know these information kindly share.
Server automation doesn’t have any out-of-box content for Oracle DB cluster patching - just single instance patching. However, I suspect its certainly possible to use some of the existing content along with a little custom content and orchestration to achieve this goal.
I would suggest asking the question “what are the Pre-requisites to fulfill before Oracle Cluster patching and what are the Steps need to follow for patching” on an Oracle forum or get it from Oracle documentation. Then we can combine that knowledge with our collective knowledge here on the forums to better assist you.
Unless we happen to have an Oracle DB cluster patching expert lurking around here who is willing to jump in. Maybe…?
@gsing1987, there are some tips in this thread to help get you start with Oracle DB patching. You’d need to extend the concept further to include the cluster instances.