We don’t have a built-in port inspector, but you could do something like this:
Create a Task with the action:
waithidden cmd.exe /C netstat > “{pathname of parent folder of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\netstat.log”
Set the Task to run periodically (perhaps once per day?)
Make a property with the relevance:
exists line whose (it contains “TCP” AND it contains “” AND it contains “LISTENING”) of file “netstat.log” of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe”
I couldn’t see any obvious way to do this… anyone know a reg key or wmi value that reflects this setting?
Similar to the netstat process Ben mentions, there are several other good (free) tools available that accomplish the same thing with more useful output - depending on what you are looking for. For example, fport produces the following:
Known the what ports are listening is one thing. Knowing what process and specific executable is listening on that port is another.
Making a property that inspects fport’s output and captures all the output variables could make for some very cool IDS functionality, service management, etc.
These are both really fantastic ideas. I really appreciate the extra advice, tratz, and will definitely give your idea a shot. I thought this one might be a bit flakey
Maybe a port inspector might be a possible idea for future release?
Aha… found the original request #5068… it was almost 6 years ago…
“Opened: 2003-12-15 11:19”
Our problem these days at BigFix is that we have too many interesting things we want to create and it is so hard to prioritize what to do next… Some requests get starved…