Open Offer prevents Baseline

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

We have a baseline that, for some reason, will not start on some of our machines until the user accepts a completely unrelated optional offer we have open for MS Office Communicator. This isn’t consistant though… some machines with the open offer will run the baseline just fine… some don’t, I I don’t see any rhyme or reason to it.

The baseline action will show “not reported” in the console on the effected machines, and the logs don’t even seem to reflect that the machine checked the relevance for the baseline until AFTER we accept the offer.

I am at a complete loss… there is only one thing I think might be a factor, but I am not sure it makes sense, I just dont use the option much to know how it works with offers; the offer is configured with “The action’s downloads will be started before action constraints are satisfied”. Is it possible that having this set will prevent other actions from processing.

Has anyone seen anything similar… I’d be happy with just a place to start troubleshooting.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Actions/offers should never prevent other offers from running (with the caveat that only one action can run at any given time).

Perhaps it is related to something else?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Thats what I thought too. However we have had at least 30 instances where our unrelated baseline would not even begin to proceess (still saying “not reported”) until we accepted the offer.

This baseline is derived from the actions created by the BigFix OSD process… but there is nothing special about them.

I cannot be certain, but I believe that other actions continue to run… it’s just blocking this particular baseline.

It’s not a relevance issue… our baseline’s relevance it simply “TRUE”.

The only other thing that might matter is that the baseline is in a different custom site that was created after the open offer was deployed. Is it possible that the offer would prevent the workstation from adding the site?