Only Sending Email if the Domain is the Same as Server Domain

I am scheduling BFI reports, but they are only sending if the email domain of all recipients is the same as the server domain. As soon as I add a recipient address that is outside the company where the server is, the report does not get sent.

Have you checked with your email admins? Relaying messages to external domains may be disallowed for your SMTP server.

The email admin confirmed that emails could be sent via our mail relay server to external addresses. When I run a test in BFI/Management/Mail Settings, any external domain fails, and internal addresses are successful. I assume that means it is not leaving the BFI server. I could be wrong.

What system do you use? Exchange?

It could be that the user account you’re authenticating with is limited.

If the outbound email is rejected for relaying to the external domain, it will not leave the BFI server. Have you looked at the tema log?

We use O365 for our email.

I did look at the tema log, and it did say that it was sending to the address in question, but did not. I did not see an error in the tema log.

Ok, it was the relay server after all. Added the IP of the server to the receive connector that authorizes emails without a user/password.