I’m currently installing BigFix in an airgapped environment.
I have used the airgap tool to create a site list with all the sites needed and created a request.
After importing the response into the airgapped environment only BigFix Management showed up after few minutes. I’m confused to why the other domains didn’t appear?
If anybody has faced this issue before or has any tips on how to gather the other sites successfully, i’ll be thankful.
A few things are possible…
I would start with checking computer site subscriptions and clicking the show non-relevant button to check if you have other site fixlet content. If you still only see BES Support site, I would re-run the airgap process.
Do you see computers reporting to your bigfix server?
PS. these may be helpful.
if you see other content (fixlets, tasks, analysis) besides BES Support, but with no computers reporting relevant I think you need to subscribe computers to sites.
Click on all content, sites, external sites. Then select the site that you want relevant machines to report back, the. Click “computer subscription” and select all computers, then click save changes. If you got this far then you should see relevant machines in a few minutes.
If you did not see the sites that you selected, then click on all content, dashboards, all dashboards, license overview. Select (enable) the sites that you would like to subscribe to. After you have selected your sites, run the Airgap process. I believe the exe is in the folder named BES server, run the exe, selecting a location for your Airgap request, then execute that request on a machine that can communinicate to the internet. After you have collected the Airgap output from you internet facing machine, you will need to re-run the Airgap exe on your BES server with the output from your internet facing machine.
At this point you should see fixlets, tasks, etc. follow number 1 above and soon you should see machines reporting relevant to the sites you subscribed to.