Official HCL BigFix Community Group on LinkedIn

:wave: Hi folks!

This post is for those of you who are active on LinkedIn.

We have an official HCL BigFix Community Group on LinkedIn Called BigFix Enthusiasts.

If you haven’t already joined, please do.:hugs:

99% of you are going to be automatically approved to join.:white_check_mark:

If for some reason your request to join is not auto approved: I’ll get you sorted out. There’s nothing extra you will need to do, but if you do experience an issue please feel free to DM me here or on LinkedIn.

The purpose of the group is to make community collaboration more accessible to those who like LinkedIn or don’t find themselves here on the Forum or Slack as often as they are on LinkedIn.

1445 of you are already joined, but if you are someone who hasn’t yet: you’re officially invited! :tickets: