Office 2007 deployment - relevance

(imported topic written by kbirdi91)

I have created a task in Software distribution category to deploy office 2007 with the follwing (default) action:

waithidden “\myappserver\Office2K7INS\setup.exe /config proplus.ww\config.xml /adminfile updates\Office_2007_Customizations.msp”

Do I also need somekind of relevence to check the hardware and software properties of my managed clients before triggering the task? Or should it be a fixlet instead?


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

In my task to deploy Office 2007, my actionscript is the same as yours. My relevence is the following:

(not exists regapp “outlook.exe” whose (version of it = “12”)) AND (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then 32 else 0) ) else it) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) >= 980

This will only install if there is not an outlook version installed that is version 12 and the RAM must be greater that 980 MB.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

This might help too:
