Offer no longer exists


I have an offer from application management group. It’s action script contains only the command below:
enable gathering
and its relevance is fixed to “true”
when I accept it from client ui, it runs, but it is not becoming relevant again (I wait for 2 hours ) ?

if I click on it to run again, I receive the error below :

because “relevant offer actions of sites” not includes it.

I set its execution parameters so it’s action runs as policy (it runs instantly when it becomes relevant, no delay between reapply)

So, What should I do to make it relevant ?

An offer by default once it’s taken it won’t be showed again. If you want to re-apply the fixlet using the same action, you could add the following relevance code to your fixlet:

not exists last active time of action or ( absolute value of ( now - last active time of action ) ) > 1 * second

Make it a policy and it should do the trick.