Number of CPU's

I am running bigfix and want to show the number of processors each server is using. How do I get the information to show up in my web reporting. Our environment is highly virtualized so I’d like to show the physical CPU assigned for all UNIX Linux and windows servers.

I presume you mean 9.5.8? :slight_smile:
To get data available in Web Reports it would need to be an analysis or property that comes back from the client so the appropriate analysis may need to be activated. For something already available it may depend on the sites you have available, or you can create your own with the cpuinfo inspectors

I have an analysis here:

This will only give you the CPU count of the machine that the bigfix agent is running on. If the agent is running on a VM, then the info it gives you will be the number of vCPUs. It won’t be able to tell you anything about the Hypervisor host. The only way to get the info from the Hypervisor host itself is for the host to be running the BigFix agent, or by using a Proxy agent that can talk to the Hypervisor like we have for VMWare ESXi.

I am able to run a command on any AIX client (lparstat) to get the physical processors assigned to the LPAR (server). What do I need to do to get this information on our web reporting? I am new to BigFix and have limited programming experience.

Try this analysis and see if it reports what you need in the windows console:

If so, then you can add properties from it to a web report.

You can use analyses already exist in console I think, instead of uploading new one.

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That might be an option as well. Look through the analyses that are in the console, activate the relevant ones.

Look at a particular computer of interest, scroll through the “summary” tab in the console. It will show all of the results available for that machine. Once you find the right one, then that one should be available in web reports as well.

Hi @jgstew we have an analyses for windows
Hardware information -windows from GTS tools system support external site. It will give a result of processor count