Number of Automatic Groups

(imported topic written by Vidyasagar)


We have created automatic computer groups which categorise the endpoints based on their subnet location.

We have also created a retrieved property which captures the values present in the Automatic group(Fixlet for it is :

values of headers “Subject” of relevant fixlets whose (value of header “X-Fixlet-Type” of it as lowercase = “computergroup”) of site “actionsite”

) Now we need a retrieved property which will return the Number of Automatic group/s a client belongs to, since this will help in identifying cases of endpoints falling in multiple groups. Came across
but do not know how to convert the relevance to a retrieved property(if that is possible). Need help on this .

(imported comment written by Vidyasagar)


Have solved this , got an answer the relevance for achieving our objective was :

number of headers “Subject” of relevant fixlets whose (value of header “X-Fixlet-Type” of it as lowercase = “computergroup”) of site “actionsite”