NPM Install help needed

hi team have tried NPM install command with Bigfix please help please refer link for reference

I ran into some issues when using npm to install electron.

To solve my issue, I had to add nodejs to $PATH:
SETX /M "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\nodejs"

Then, I had to use the call command when installing electron using npm:
call npm install electron -g

Hope this helps.

Thanks ok what is bigfix command you have used, I have tried this command in FixletDebugger its showing syntax error

That isn’t a Bigfix command, its a DOS/CMD command to update the system PATH environment

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@SLB is correct. This is a Windows command.

In the BigFix action script, I used:

waithidden SETX /M "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\nodejs"

Then, in the same action script, I created a batch file that runs the following commands:

call npm install electron -g
SETX PATH "%PATH%;{home directory of user of logged on user}\appdata\roaming\npm"