Not reported Client


An idea how to trace if the client is “not reporting” status when I do PowerShell command on the client. The client is showing on the console.


I’d start by reviewing the client logs.

Hi @julius.susmina, see if these KB articles could be of a assistance in your troubleshooting efforts:

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Thanks, but I cannot see any unusual in the log file.

Thanks you!!! I appreciate it.

What I would do is turn on debug logging on the client. When you enable debug logging you will have a besclientdebug.log file to look at that has a tremendous amount of data but the big thing it will show is the relay selection process if your using automatic relay selection. This will show you each relay servers selection process and whether it was able to communicate and it will show you which relay was selected if any. It could be that windows firewall or another security product is blocking traffic on port 52311 or it’s on a network that won’t communicate to the relay.

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One question I should ask is whether the last report time stamp is updating for the client. If the timestamp is updating (current timestamp) then the client is talking to the relay and the issue you are running into could also be that the task that you deployed to the machine is in a site that this client isn’t subscribed to.

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I’ve put together a list of suggestions to try for different scenarios at Tip: Troubleshooting Client Reponsiveness

If any of them are helpful, please let me know!
If you exhaust these and the problem is something else…please let me know that too!

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Thank you! It help much!

You have a point. Thank you!

Hi Jason,

The issue already resolved. I made this as reference " When a client appears to not be reporting (i.e. the “Last Report Time” value is not updating in the Console)"

Thank you!

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