Not relevant PCs showing up as relevant


I’m looking to install EViews via BigFix, and would like to target those that do not already have EViews installed. I have some relevance that target the registry entry EViews places in Windows, but those with EViews installed are still relevant.

((name of it = "WinVista" AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = "Win2008" AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = "Win7" AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = "Win2008R2") OR (name of it = "Win8" AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = "Win2012") OR (name of it = "Win8.1" AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = "Win2012R2") OR (name of it = "Win10")) of operating system AND ((not exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of native registry) OR (not exists value "DisplayName" of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of native registry) OR (value "DisplayName" of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of native registry as string != "EViews 9 (64-bit)"))

The actual registry key is HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{907404D2-8C9D-428D-AB5B-FD8CA68A7305}\ on a Windows 7 Enterprise x64 installation.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

I used the wizard for this, but it is not very intuitive.

This relevance is a bit strange so it is relevant if there is no Uninstall hive (which is strange) or there is a DisplayName that is not the EViews.

This should have a whose in it somewhere to go through the Uninstall entries so how did this relevance get made?

The Bigfix Software Distribution Wizard came up with this. I just added the registry key.

It looks like you may have pointed the Wizard at the wrong path in the registry:

On this screen it looks like you pointed it at “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall” instead of the EViews key

The only part I left out was the GUID from the registry path as I was unsure it would be unique across machines. Should I add it to the relevance?


This will make the fixlet relevant if it is not installed.

((name of it = “WinVista” AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win2008” AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win7” AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win2008R2”) OR (name of it = “Win8” AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win2012”) OR (name of it = “Win8.1” AND x64 of it) OR (name of it = “Win2012R2”) OR (name of it = “Win10”)) of operating system AND ((not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{907404D2-8C9D-428D-AB5B-FD8CA68A7305}” of native registry))

I’ll try that. Many Thanks!

Note that in @mfuglem’s relevance there is a missing \ in the key:

"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{907404D2-8C9D-428D-AB5B-FD8CA68A7305}" of native registry

The forum likes to format slashes away…

The GUID is the same across devices but may change between versions of an application. Without specifying the GUID the relevance is essentially looking to see if ANY application is installed (Which there will always be) instead of if YOUR application is installed.

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That worked! Thank you very much!