Not getting a correct number of fixlets from REST API

I am using the https://server:port/api/fixlets/{site type}/{site name} to retrieve all the fixlets from “External Site/ Patches for Windows”. When I compare the output from the rest api and bigfix console, the number of fixlet for Patches for Windows doesn’t match up. The rest api only retrieve 304 fixlets, in the BigFix console the Patches for Windows has 941 fixlets. What is the cause of difference of number between the api and manage console? Any help is appreciated.

My BES console version is 9.0.876.0.

@gnada, can you help me reconcile the data?
If you are referring to Patches for Windows, there should be more than 12,000 Fixlets.
Also, the REST API URL should be something like:


I believe the REST API is returning only Fixlets, but not Tasks. In any case, the numbers you provided does not look right.

@leewei, what do you mean by reconcile the data?

The only time I will have more than 12,000 Fixlets when I enable the show Non-relevant Content.

My mistake I am calling for Enterprise Security Site which is another name for Patches for Windows.

The REST API for Fixlets in our posts will return all Fixlets, so they should be in the +12,000 range.
I was just wondering what statement you used that returned only 304 Fixlets.

I am using ruby to call out the REST API for Fixlet and this how I am getting number of fixlet.

apiUrl = “https://#{bigfix_server}:#{bigfix_port}/api/”
task :lsFixlet, [:site_name] do |t, args|
url = (apiUrl + “fixlets/external/#{args[:site_name]}”).gsub(" “,”%20")
response = HTTParty.get(url, headers: headers, basic_auth: auth, :verify => false)
pp response[“BESAPI”][“Fixlet”].size

@gnada, what is the data that you would like to get back from the call?
All Fixlets from the “Patches for Windows” site?
Can you please decode and show the statement including the actual site name being replaced?

When I ran it, I got over 12,000 Fixlets returned.

I am trying get all the fixlets for external Enterprise Security Site. I am making a get request for https://server:52311/api/fixlets/external/Enterprise%20Security.

I am still getting a low amount of fixlets and the number is not matching up with what is in the bigfix console. I would like to get all the fixlets in external Enterprise Security Site.

Is the account you are asking with an NMO account or a MO account?

@AlanM, i have a NMO account and my permission is Reader.

As for an update, i was able to make my account to be a MO for external enterprise security site. Re-run the api call and it return back 400 fixlets which is still low.