Non-windows package dependency lists

(imported topic written by mfhowarth91)

I am trying to find out, by OS, what the package dependencies are for the different flavours of Unix and Linux supported by BigFix.

I am particularly interested in AIX, Solaris and RedHat as these are the main server OS used.

Does anyone have a list by OS that they could refer me to?

For example, a colleague has found that older versions of glibc on RedHat cause problems so there is a version minimum here that signifies a dependency. The applicaiton he suppots uses an older version of glibc and therefore cannot be upgraded. Some of the servers aer in Production environments as well so any changes are tightly managed.

Any help or pointers much apperciated.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi mfhowarth,

Our RedHat Fixlet site supports patch dependencies and I think we are looking to add dependency support for Solaris soon…


(imported comment written by mfhowarth91)

Ah, sorry - I should have been more specific with the original post.

This is dependencies at install time for the BESClient on Solaris, RedHat and AIX (we are installing version 8.0.627.0)

I’m looking for a list of packes and patches that need to be installed in order for the software to install correctly.

e.g. Must have C Compiler installed and must be a minimum of version 3.4 for gcc, version 5 for cc.

Need minimum version of 2.5 for glibc.

And so on.

So that we can do a pre-install check on each system to make suer all will be OK or to flag any issues found to the system owners.

(imported comment written by HugeFix-ed91)

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