Hi All ,
our bigfix version is 9.5.6 but non-master operators can not stop other operator’s action.
i granted to user’s on role segment.
here is the explicit and effective permission
Hi All ,
our bigfix version is 9.5.6 but non-master operators can not stop other operator’s action.
i granted to user’s on role segment.
here is the explicit and effective permission
This option requires that the roles or computer management rights assignments to the operator must be either identical or a superset of the roles/rights assigned to the operator who submitted the action (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSQL82_9.5.0/com.ibm.bigfix.doc/Platform/Console/c_adding_local_operators.html). Can you confirm that this is the case?
in the same role , user can stop other operators action. but if they are different they won’t.
their computer assignments are different but computer are match.
one is “all computer” , one is automatic group. I think the problem is here right ?
if i choose same computer assignment, can user stop their actions ?
now 2 role with same computer assigments but user can’t stop their actions. Only user can stop other operator’s action in same role .
The computer assignments don’t actually matter but the roles do. The operator could be assigned the endpoint via role X but the other is assigned via role Y.
To stop another operators action, the operator must have the same complete set of roles as the operator that they are trying to stop, or a superset of the roles.
So if operator A is trying to stop an action from operator B, and operator B has roles X, Y, Z but operator A only has X and Y then it cannot stop the action of B.
thanks Alan . now everything clear