"No Data" operational status on VM manager configuration

Hello Team,

I am getting “No data” operation status on VM manager configuration. I have checked with VMware team and account has sufficient read-only access to all the hosts and endpoints.

Test connection is also successful. Also attaching last updates on trace files. I have changed the link to “VM manager site”.

2020-09-17 16:23:39 : (pool-2-thread-3) com.ibm.license.mgmt.vmmanager.ConnectorFactory::createConnector::Connector VMwareConnector created for requested type VMWARE_V_SPHERE
2020-09-17 16:23:41 : (pool-2-thread-3) com.ibm.license.mgmt.datacollector.tasks.VMCollectorTask::saveResultsIntoFile()::There is no changes in the current scan results in comparison to the previous scan - scan results not transfered to the agent
2020-09-17 16:23:41 : (pool-2-thread-3) com.ibm.license.mgmt.datacollector.tasks.VMCollectorTask::processTask()::(vmmconf_1.properties): Virtualization hierarchy successfully retrieved from VM Manager at VM manager site* (VMWARE_V_SPHERE)
2020-09-17 16:23:41 : (pool-2-thread-3) com.ibm.license.mgmt.datacollector.tasks.VMCollectorTask::processTask()::(vmmconf_1.properties): VM Manager info: class com.ibm.license.mgmt.vmmanager.vmware.model.VMwareInfo[VirtualCenter,6.5.0,VMware vCenter Server 6.5.0 build-16275158]
2020-09-17 16:23:41 : (pool-2-thread-3) com.ibm.license.mgmt.datacollector.util.CLILogger::processTask::[ vmmconf_1.properties ] Data was successfully retrieved from the VM manager at VM manager site*

Any leads will be appreciated.

No data (previously Insufficient rights)

No data was collected from the VM manager. The most common reason is that there is no data or that the user that is defined for this VM manager does not have sufficient rights.

Action: If you run the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts fixlet, ensure that the virtualization hosts from which you want to collect capacity data have at least one virtual machine that is correctly defined and running.

Make sure that the user has read access to these virtual machines that are managed by this VM manager and their host.

Make sure the VM Manager tool output files have data for the VMs reporting.
Search for the UUID information in the VM Manager tool output for some of the computers to confirm they exist

Thanks for the response.

As i mentioned, user do have the read only rights.

Could you please confirm which VM manager tool output file you are referring to.

The VM Manager tool result XML files are created under \LMT\VMMAN\upload folder and as part of upload, compressed and saved under \LMT\VMMAN folder

These are XML files and can be viewed by any text editor.


I checked and the upload folder is empty.

The tool by default should create result files every 30 minutes (unless the polling interval is changed). Check again to see if any new files are generated.

If the “Schedule VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload” task is running, the uploaded files will be under \LMT\VMMN folder, as shown:

If the files are not generated then the configuration is not complete. Check trace logs under \LMT\VMMN\logs folder for more details.

Thanks for the response. I can see zip files under \LMT\VMMN folder.

When i opened zip files, i do not see information about host layer in that file.

Does the header show any error message? If not the user may not have enough permissions to read the host information


Today, we checked with admin credential still got “no data” error. I have raised a PMR with IBM. Will let you know once i get the resolution. Thanks for your help

Hello Everyone,

The issue got resolved after changing the uuid_filtering_enabled to false in VM main config properties file.

It was set to true. IBM support has accepted that this was the bug and they will fix it in next release.

So this has been fixed? In my “No Data” issue, I logged into vCenter manually and can see the computers in question but BFI returns 'No Data" for that vCenter.

Yes, in my case it got resolved after changing the setting. Did you check if the xml files are getting generated .

Hi, turned out to be a vCenter permissions issue for me. nevermind. but thanks

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