Newly installed applications weekly report

(imported topic written by jchen91)

Hi, Folks,

Our IT manager would like to receive the weekly report about the newly installed windows applications on all of our Windows PCs. I have created the one with currently installed applications, but don’t know how to create the one for NEWLY installed windows applications (by weekly base). The way I did is creating a custom analysis from BES Console, and then activate it to be showed on web report page. Can anyone advice how I can accomplish that?

Thanks in advance.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi jchen,

This functionality to provide differenced application reports is not available in our web reports. However, I think the DSS Software Asset Management module will allow you to list the applications filtered by the application “first used” date, which seems close to what you want…


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Jchen, what I use to do in SMS is save the previous weeks software report in .csv and use Syncronizer 7.0 for Excell to create a difference report between this week and last weeks report. Kind of tacky but it got the job done.

(imported comment written by jchen91)

Hi, coolitman229,

Is Syncronizer 7.0 for Excel is MS add-in for free download, or it’s from third party vendor? This concept is nice, but need to find the good tool for it. Thanks for the tip.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

This is one of those times when I think BigFix could really shine. This type of exception report is something every single manager I’ve had has been looking to implement. Can it be added to the feature request list? I’d like to see if for the Computer Hardware / Software / Add Remove Programs areas.