Newbie Question - Custom Fixlets in SCM

New to BigFix, so go easy on me please…

When creating custom fixlets in a custom site, how do you get around the x-fixlet-scm-id issue?

I have several custom fixlets that don’t show up in SCM. After some searching here, I discovered that the .bes files were missing several required fields in the xml editor. I’m thinking that my problem now is that the scm-id has to be a unique value…? If so, how do you create this? Just change one of the characters?


Welcome! If you are working in SCM you don’t need to worry about the x-fixlet-scm-id issue, it should automatically exempt the fixlets as long as you are in the SCM module/domain. Outside of it, it is another issue.

Justin (one of our former AVPs) has a great write-up on how to create custom content in SCM module. Go through it once and confirm you are still getting the issue following his instructions:


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Thanks. The Create Custom Relevance SCM Content wizard is what I needed. It generates the id. Appreciate it.