New WebUI 9.5.11 install fails

Trying to do an install of WebUI in my new 9.5.11 DEV environment but the installation keeps failing with exit code 1602. The target server is seperate from the root server. All of the fixlet parameters are correct according to the docs but it still fails.

Inspecting the beswebuiinstall.log shows:

`InstallShield 12:01:27: Invoking script function SetCredentials
1: INSTALLATION INFO: The provided service credentials are valid. 
1: INSTALLATION INFO: -- Begin BESAdminSuccess -- 
1: INSTALLATION INFO: -- End BESAdminSuccess -- 
**1: INSTALLATION WARNING: BESAdmin.exe /testsqlserverlogin command failed. **
**1: INSTALLATION ERROR: Cannot access the specified database server.** 
InstallShield 12:01:27: Setup aborted
InstallShield 12:01:27: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends, result 0x642
CustomAction imm_isc_SetCredentials returned actual error code 1602 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Action ended 12:01:27: imm_isc_SetCredentials. Return value 2.
Action ended 12:01:27: INSTALL. Return value 2.`

If I go into the msi’s temp folder and manually run besadmin /testsqlserverlogin I get a Windows error: “Enterprise Server/StoragePath regkey missing” with or without any besadmin switches.

So is a remote WebUI installation no longer possible? I installed WebUI remotely when I first went to 9.5.5 in a different environment over a year ago and don’t remember it being this difficult. The errors I’m receiving seem to suggest that the fixlet should be run against the root server and remote servers are no longer possible. Or am I missing something obvious?

The development team is aware of some potential issues that can cause 9.5.11 install and upgrades to fail. I’ll let platform folks comment here if they know more.

Remote WebUI instances are still supported. What I’ve been telling people that run into this case is to make a custom copy of the 9.5.9 Fixlet and strip out the bits of relevance that check for the version of platform. An older version of the WebUI service will still communicate properly with a root server that’s a little more recent, but obviously WebUI service versions are qualified and tested more against the root server they’re meant to run for.

Anyways, try running an older version of the WebUI service in the meantime. We’ll try to have a response on the 9.5.11 install stuff soon.

As stated by @dexdexdex , Remote WebUI instances are still supported.

In order to understand the root cause of the described issue, it would help if on the computer where WebUI is to be installed you could manually run one of the two commands below (the one that applies to your case among sqlAuth and winAuth), and check the result, and also the content of C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\BigFix\BESAdminDebugOut.txt

BESAdmin.exe /testsqlserverlogin /server="sqlserverhost,1433" /username="sa" /password="password" /sqlAuth /hideUI

BESAdmin.exe /testsqlserverlogin /server="sqlserverhost,1433" /username="DOMAIN\user" /password="password" /winAuth /hideUI

Note: WebUI installation runs BESAdmin as SYSTEM, so the optimum would be to manually run the command from a SYSTEM command prompt.

I’m experiencing the same issue with 9.5.11 on a remote server. This was with 2 separate environments as well.

It would be interesting to know whether your password contained any characters that might get interpreted incorrectly by the shell, such as "&" or "|" or % or the quote or doublequote characters.

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@aginestr As stated above, every time I ran besadmin /testsqlserverlogin I would get a Windows error: “Enterprise Server/StoragePath regkey missing”. This occurred with or without any besadmin switches.

@JasonWalker, no this is a simple dev/test environment. No complex characters in the passwords.

I resolved the issue by making the server a relay. This is the only process I know of that would create the reg keys that besadmin was looking for without the server being a root. The fixlet installation still failed in the same location so I ended up installing it manually by downloading and running the executable and entering my information into the wizard. Install took less than 5 minutes and is working as expected.

I guess this begs the question of whether this method will work without the server being a relay. Since this is a dev/test environment I may test that when I have more time.

That’s an error that I would expect only from a version of BESAdmin that doesn’t know the /testsqlserverlogin switch, but v9.5.11 should definitely know it.

Would you please confirm that you are running the command with BESAdmin v9.5.11?

Anything interesting in BESAdminDebugOut.txt? (should be located in the default AppData directory if BESAdmin is run as SYSTEM, or in the user’s AppData otherwise)

Starting from 9.5.11, if you have the database configured with “windows authentication”, the database account specified in the WebUI installation fixlet must be a domain account able to login on the remote machine where you are installing the WebUI.
We are reviewing the WebUI install fixlet in order to make it working also for non domain account in case of windows authentication.
At the moment, as work around in case of windows authentication and local account, you can install the WebUI using the 9.5.9 install fixlet that didn’t have this restriction and then upgrade to 9.5.11 using the fixlet 3735 from BES Support : “IBM BigFix - Updated Platform Server Components version 9.5.11 Now Available!”

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