BigFix OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging site has been updated.
Published site version:
OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging, version 92.
New content:
Some OSD dashboards can now work without Adobe Flash with the limitations described below. The old Flash based dashboards are still available and fully functional.
New Adobe Flash free OSD dashboards:
- Bare Metal Server Manager dashboard with limitation (see details below).
- Image Library dashboard with limitation (see details below).
- Bundle and Media Manager dashboard with limitation (see details below).
- Health Checks dashboard.
These limitations will be resolved incrementally in the subsequent updates to the OSD Console site.
To mitigate these issues, the old Adobe Flash content dashboards are still available. Because Adobe Flash Player, after January 12, 2021, will block the execution of all flash content, you can configure the Adobe Flash Allow List on your BigFix Console to allow the execution of BigFix OSD content only. For more information see BigFix - Flash announcement .
You can also secure your BigFix Console configuring it in an air-gapped network.
Flash free version of Driver Library dashboard is still not available.
Scripting Environment Library dashboard is obsolete and is being deprecated. Flash version of this dashboard continues to be available.
Known limitations on new Adobe Flash free OSD dashboards:
General limitations:
• Adjusting column widths in the tables is not supported.
• Changing the column positions in the tables is not supported.
• The table headers are not sticky to the top of the rows when the tables are scrolled down.
Bare Metal Server Manager dashboard limitations:
• Sorting the columns in the table is not supported.
• When you select a row in the bottom table, the related row in the top table is no longer highlighted.
• Changing the Bare Metal Server Settings from the Edit bare metal server pop up is not supported. Using the Fixlet 361 is recommended.
• Start/Stop/Restart of the Bare Metal Server services from the Edit Bare Metal server pop up is not supported. Execute the command manually or use the Fixlet 53 to start the services.
• Sending Profiles to the selected Bare Metal Server from this dashboard is not supported. Using the Image Library dashboard is recommended.
Image Library dashboard limitations:
• Modifying image parameters after import from the Edit Image pop up is not supported.
• Creating a Bare Metal Profile is supported. By default, the newly created Profile is Multicast disabled. Editing or creating the Multicast options is not supported. Existing profiles will retain existing Multicast options even if the edited with the new dashboard.
• Editing or creating the Network options on Bare Metal Profile is not supported. The default values for new created Profiles are “use DHCP Server” and “use Task 354 parameters if specified”. Existing profiles will retain existing Network options even if edited with the new dashboard.
• Reimaging the computers (Deploy To Computer), nor manage Reimage Templates, nor create Reimage Profiles for Multicast is not supported. Using Fixlet 200 is recommended for initiating a Linux reimage using already existing custom Linux reimage templates.
Bundle and Media Manager dashboard limitations:
• Sorting the columns in the table is not supported.
• Search option in the Deployment Resources table is not supported.
• Refresh button is not present. To refresh the dashboard, right click, and then select Reload.
• Creating an MDT Bundle is not supported. Follow the below steps:
- Install MDT Bundle Creator from the dashboard.
- Manually create the MDT Bundle following the instruction in the “MDT Bundle creation process” ( ).
- Upload the created MDT Bundle using the dashboard.
Health Checks dashboard limitations:
• No further limitations on this dashboard.