New to Custom Web Reports

Hi everyone,

So I am a completely new web report developer and I am trying to wrap my head around how to create a custom web report. I have created an html page and am using DataTables.js to eventually display information queried from the relevance.

However, I am bit confused on how to actually create a query, and then manipulate the response from the query. I have been reading about a javascript file called EvaluateRevelance.js that apparently comes with BigFix.

From my understanding so far, for the javascript, would I just need

But then what kind of format is the response in?

I’d recommend looking at an existing report, make a copy of it, and edit the source of it to see how it is done.

Related: How Do I View The Entire Relevance Query Response?

Thanks for the tip! Actually my question about the javascript didn’t seem to show up.
Just to repeat… for the javascript, would I just need
script tag
var query = ‘relevance query’;
var response = EvaluateRelevance(query);
end script tag

to get code to show up properly in the forum, you have to select it all then click the </> button in the toolbar at the top of the text enter area.

You don’t actually need that javascript to evaluate relevance unless you are building the query dynamically using javascript.

You can instead use something like: <?Relevance> whatever the query is </?> … this might not be exactly the format, but close.

Ahhh I see so I could use that <?Relevance> tag directly in an html file? Also say I have a table, how could I grab information from whatever is inside the relevance tag to display in the table?

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Yes, you got the idea.

Relevance has a built in way to create tables:

table of tr of concatenation of (tds of ("1";"2"))

More complicated:

table of concatenation of trs of ( (concatenation of tds of ("1";"2")) ; (concatenation of tds of ("3";"4")) )

Generally you would be taking the output of a session relevance query and wrapping it in tds and trs.