(imported topic written by cglimson)
The IBM Endpoint Manager for Security Compliance Analysis team is pleased to announce the release of version 1.4.
Security Compliance Analysis version 1.4 contains the following enhancements:
Option to configure Multiple Datasources
Support for import from IBM Endpoint Manager 9.0 datasource running on DB2 or MSSQL.
Support for LDAP authentication
Option to configure session timeout
Ability to reuse delete users
Various bugs and security updates
Action to take:
Minimum of SQL Server 2005 SP2 for TEM SCA database server
To download IBM Endpoint Manager Analytics, perform the following steps:
In the IBM Endpoint Manager console, add the SCM Reporting masthead.
In the Security Configuration domain in the console, open the Configuration Management navigation tree.
For first-time installations:
Click on the Security and Compliance Analytics dashboard.
From the list of supported endpoints, select the target server and click Deploy Installer. An action opens that downloads the SCA software into a Tivoli Endpoint Manager Analytics folder inside the Tivoli Endpoint Manager client folder on that server, for example, c:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Installers\TEMA).
Note: If you are using the x86 version of a Windows operating system, the path to the install location will be c:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Installers\TEMA.
For upgrading an existing installation:
Select the fixlet named “TEM SCA Upgrade (1.4)” under the Upgrade menu tree node.
Follow the fixlet instructions and take the associated action to upgrade your TEM SCA deployment.
IBM Endpoint Manager Security Compliance Analysis Team