New property in ILMT Software Classification

Hi all,

Is it possible to add new property to ILMT Software Classification?

We need the product Edition from the registry or from component name and split it up and get the string “Enterprise Edition”. Finally, we have to request it by the Rest API.

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 for Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 Enterprise Edition

Thanks for any feedback.

There is no mechanism in BFI/ILMT that allows for additional properties in the Software Classification data. I presume you want to report software based on the level of the Edition (Developer, Enterprise, Standard, etc.).

Have you considered using software component tags for this requirement? Adding tags to components can be accomplished using the API. You need the software component ID value, and a string for the Tag value.

For example, using the API, you could retrieve all software components whose names contain “Enterprise Edition” to get their software component ID, and then use the API to add a tag called “Enterprise Edition” to these software components.

Then you can report on these components in the user interface by including the component tag column in the reports.