New Firefox 52.1.1 ESR and 53. Failed Action Script errors

Getting Action Script errors on the latest Firefox fixlets.
Failing in the add prefetch section

I noticed this too - ran the firefox 53 upgrade fixlet and noticed my target was in error status - (thankfully, it sounds like), I was sidetracked and forgot to dive in and troubleshoot further

“Invalid action content: the action script contains a syntax error.”

show action info is simply ‘failed’ on the entire block of action script.

Same issue when running Firefox 53.0.2 Update.

“Invalid action content: the action script contains a syntax error.”

We all also getting this issue with Firefox 53.0.2.

Thanks for the report! We are looking into this issue.

This release is different from previous in that it uses prefetch block to conditionally download binaries based on detected Firefox’s language.

Update: We have received a PMR about this issue. Will be investigating it and post updates here.

Any update on this Issue? Thanks

Looks like BigFix released the following modified fixlets for Firefox this morning:

Modified Fixlets:

  • Mozilla Firefox 45.9.0 ESR Available (ID: 6081343)
  • Mozilla Firefox 53.0.2 Available (ID: 6081364)
  • Mozilla Firefox 52.1.1 ESR Available (ID: 6081345)

Reasons for Update:

  • Mozilla Firefox fixlets are updated with a bug fix

These fixlets have moved to using a prefetch block which meant I also had to modify my download whitelist.

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Same here, but I can’t understand the logic behind it …

add prefetch item {"name=Firefox_Setup_52.1.1esr.exe sha1=0b423df5888c517d86d9adb27c27c99f786a78b3 size=45394544 url="}

The fixlet is coercing a Relevance Substitution that is…just a string?

Thanks all for the replies.

The issue was caused by a different handling of %20 in the URLs in server 9.5, and it has been fixed in site Updates for Windows Applications, version 1026.

The Fixlet is using prefetch block so that only the necessary binary is fetched, potentially improving bandwidth requirements and efficiency.

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I am getting failed download. But i can download the installer through IE on the server. Thanks

@washnware Thanks for reporting the issue! Was the console showing error message like “The requested URL does not pass this deployment’s download whitelist”?

If the console is showing the previous error message then the DownloadWhiteList needs to be updated. The reason is that for the recent Firefox Fixlets, dynamic download will be used so that only the necessary Firefox patches will be downloaded on servers. The dynamicdownload require the setting of the DownloadWhiteList.txt.
For detailed information we have an announcement here at:

To setup the DownloadWhiteList please add Directory Listing: /* , the Firefox download source, to the DownloadWhitelist.txt file which is located at BigFix Enterprise\BESServer\Mirror Server\Config. The setup of the DownloadWhiteList.txt only needs to be done once.

Sorry for the trouble caused and please let us know if there is any further concern. Thanks!

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Firefox push is now working, adding Firefox to the Whitelist solved our issue.

Thank you for looking into this issue!


Ours is also working fine. Thanks