Our Application (SCA) directly pointing to LDAP domain controller hence Active directory team advice us to redirect LDAP setting to Load balancer, where as they provided CERT and request us to configure in SCA,
But getting above error message after save the CERS, also need to conform about the second column Private key which I use here Bigfix licence.pvk is that correct ?
@JasonWalker any comment on this please…
This screen is where you out the certificate and key for your SCA server, not the certificates for the LDAP server’s that you need to trust. Configure those on the LDAP setup tab.
i checked in LDAP tab, there no option to add certificate, please refer attachment
The SCA documentation is pretty sparse in this area. I suggest you look at the BigFix Inventory documentation for guidance on configuring your SCA server, since the underlying application server software is the same.
Configuring a directory server with load balancer or multiple domain controllers
You really should open a case with HCL to get assistance in implementing this in your SCA environment.