Need to uninstall/remove all files of Anaconda3 from all machines

Hi Team, I need to create a package for uninstall Anaconda3 completely from all machines. I have tried to uninstall/remove completely but it was removed from one location. but we need to delete from all folders/files which are related to Anaconda3.

If the uninstall goes smoothly and you’re worried about removing the remaining items, you should first locate these locations so that we can generate deletion commands.

I have located where Anaconda3 software is installed, but it has multiple files which are installed on different locations of different users, and it is difficult to locate them manually. so, how we can locate all those locations and remove them from backend.

How are you going to find them, even without using BigFix?

BigFix can assist you in executing the search using your automated technique; nevertheless, you will need to formulate the script and identify the target.

The script I used to search for MP3 files on the system is shown below. You can use it to find any desired file (just change the.mp3) and dump it into a text file, which you can then use to find and delete common folder locations.

action uses wow64 redirection false
parameter "output"="{pathname of parent folder of data folder of client & "\search_results.txt"}"

delete "{parameter "output"}"
delete __appendfile

appendfile {concatenation "%0d%0a" of ("for /F %22tokens=*%22 %25%25i in ('dir /s /b " & it & "\ ^| findstr /R /C:%22\\*.mp3$%22') do @echo %25%25~dpnxi>>%22" & (parameter "output") & "%22") of pathnames of root folders of drives whose (type of it = "DRIVE_FIXED")}

delete search.cmd
move __appendfile search.cmd

//override timeout after 30 min
action launch preference low-priority
override wait
wait cmd.exe /c search.cmd