Need to send email using BCC from Web Reports

We are using Web Reports to send notification emails to distribution lists. However (and this is user based, not tech based) we encounter the “reply-all” storm when someone replies with a question to the email sent by web reports.

Someone will reply-all, to which others will “reply-all” telling them to not “reply-all” and it spirals with thousands of emails being sent before it stops.

This can be addressed by limiting the users able to send to a DL, but the we need to have the DL owners do that (which is just not reliable). It would be great if there is a way to have Web Reports use To: CC: and BCC: when sending alerts.

Does anyone know if this is possible OR if it could be made possible with a local code edit?

If not, this may be one for an RFE.


An alternative here could be to send the email to a service mailbox which has a rule that sends it to the DL as a BCC. Then web reports just has to send it to that mailbox which is what actually forwards it.

Great suggestion and we tried that. However it can only ‘forward’ which prepends the email with the standard forward header. Also, the is a circular reference issue where the rule would again intercept if a user responded to the email :frowning:

There are a few ways, VB script, powershell handler etc. I was hoping someone had attempted this before as it seems like something that would be hit by more than just us.

Not to beat a dead horse but with Office 365 you could have the rule only trigger if the sender is the BigFix server:

Doesnt help with the fwd: prepend though!

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That’s good to know and good to have in the thread. Even though we can’t use that method due to the fwd: prepend it may help others.

Unless there were code I could modify in BigFix, I can’t really think of a method. Most likely this will fall in RFE land.