First you need to figure out how to uninstall the software in question on the command line interactively. This step has nothing to do with BigFix at all and has entirely to do with the software in question. You would want to consult vendor documentation and other sites on how to do this, and try various things until this works. Even launching the right uninstaller from the command line is a good start.
The second step is to uninstall the software in question on the command line silently / non-interactively. This may be identical to the step above, or may require slight tweaks to the command. The key is that from the time of entering the command, to the software being fully uninstalled, there can’t be any dialog boxes that require user input at all! This step also has nothing to do with BigFix and is generally going to be done in an almost identical way for ALL similar tools to BigFix. Getting this right completely on your own often requires quite a bit of experimentation, installing and uninstalling the software on a test machine over and over again. Ideally you’d find an example for the software in question to help get this step to work faster. The uninstall string in the registry can be a great help.
Only after the above works do you then adapt that into BigFix actionscript, which is generally straightforward, relatively easy, and other than some edge cases, a very similar process for uninstalling any software with BigFix.
The last step, and technically optional, is to write relevance to detect that the software is installed so that the uninstaller action in bigfix is only relevant when the software is installed. This not only helps bigfix detect when the software is there, but it also helps bigfix know when the uninstall was successful by letting it detect when it is no longer there. For almost all windows software, this is a relevance statement that inspects the Uninstall
keys of the windows registry. Don’t worry about this step until all other steps are completed, but once they are, this step is what makes BigFix able to be intelligent about what it does.
You really need to figure out steps 1 & 2 on your own. We may help if we have experience with the software in question or can find some examples for you, but we are really here to help with the rest of the process, and not so much steps 1 & 2.
Often the trick to learning BigFix is not to get caught up in the BigFix part of it, and instead figure it out on the command line as if BigFix wasn’t in the picture at all. Once that part is done, the BigFix work begins.
This post is also duplicated here: Removal of SKB and Lync