Need a Relevance to check whether Bluetooth sharing is enabled for not in MAC OS X
The first step for this will be to identify where this setting is stored on the computer. Once you’ve identified that let us know and we can help you write relevance for this!
Normally the change will modify a value in a plist or a sqlite database. If neither of those work you can often run something on the command line to determine the status, output that to a file, and use relevance to get the response from the file
Will share ASAP once I will search for the same.
Not found any relevant file, but I believe the should have the information about the Bluetooth sharing…
Still searching for the exact file, will keep posted once I’ll find the same.
Not able to find exact file for Bluetooth in MAC OS X 10.10… unable to determine whether ( is getting changed or not during enabling or disabling the Bluetooth sharing in MAC.
Team need your support/Help on this.
Hi, I have found the location of Bluetooth sharing as it’s a profile based entry…located under…
Now need to create a relevance to check it’s (key) existence in all available profiles.
Note : The key “” is not unique
Note : The key “PC56143A-64CF-504B-A990-356373CE4F.plist” is not unique
Need to check the status of given file in active (current) logged in profile
This is how you get the set of files to check:
files whose(name of it starts with "" AND name of it as lowercase ends with ".plist") of folders "Library/Preferences/ByHost" of folders of folders "/Users"
I don’t have an XML representation of these files handy to write the relevance against.
You might be better off controlling this setting using a profile, or MCX to profile, or Local MCX. This is particularly true if you want to set this setting to a particular value and NOT let users change it ever again.
You can set a profile with a command through BigFix, but it is hard to tell if that profile is in place or not, so you might want to tag the system as having the profile so that can be used in relevance.
You should be able to use Local MCX using BigFix, but it might not be worthwhile to pursue since MCX seems a bit old school at this point.