Need to be able to detect drive encryption status under Linux

I’ve got a Console Operator asking if BigFix can detect the encryption status of drives on a RHEL/Fedora based system.

Has anyone had any experience with writing an Analysis to detect this? I’ve got Query access to a Linux host that has a drive encrypted with “crypt”, but I’m not sure where to find this via a BigFix Analysis.

└─sda4 8:4 0 232.4G 0 part
├─fedora_localhost–live-root 253:0 0 224.6G 0 lvm
│ └─abcd-abc5555a-55aa-5aa55-a5a5-5a5a5a555aaa 555:5 0 224.6G 0 crypt /

Don’t have any Fedora handy, but is the crypt status available in /etc/fstab ?