Need help

(imported topic written by amagewick91)

This is the first action script that I have worked on, and I am having a few issues. Here is the code.

parameter  "SAPVERSION" = "{version of regapp "saplogon.exe"}"
If {exists running application "saplogon.exe"}
dos MSG * There Is A Running Saplogon.exe Process
Continue if {not exists running application "saplogon.exe"}
If {parameter "SAPVERSION" = "7100.3.13.1045"}
dos start \\\netlogon\sapinstall_00.bat
dos MSG * END

I have the messages in there for testing, and they all come up in the debugger. This action runs 100% fine in the beta debugger that was on the bigfix site, but when I put this in a task the task ends up failing. I am guessing that I am missing something simple, and that the debugger is buggy at this time and not properly evaluating the action (although it shows everyhting as working).

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

I would guess that the SYSTEM user can not access the network share. It’s a common stumbling block.

Check out this thread for the standard suggestion which is to use runascurrentuser.exe:

(imported comment written by amagewick91)

Ok… here is my revised action script which currently works!

parameter "SAPV" = "{version of regapp "saplogon.exe"}"
If {exists running application "saplogon.exe"}
dos MSG * There Is A Running Saplogon.exe Process
Continue if {not exists running application "saplogon.exe"}
If {parameter "SAPV" < "}
dos MSG * Need Update
wait "\\ntapps03\sapinstsvr\Setup\NwSapSetup.exe" /NoDlg /Package="SAPGUIALL"
else If {parameter "SAPV" = "7100.3.13.1045"}
dos MSG * Current

My next question is this… I want to use “if” statements to query if a computer is in a group in bigfix. Is this possible?