I’m in the need of deploying Oracle Management Agent for the Java Management Service. Oracle has provided the “software oracle.mgmt_agent.zip” and a seperate installation script “JMS_fleet-yyyymmdd-tttt_windows.ps1”.
-I downloaded both software and powershell install script.
-Via Manage Software Distribution Packages, I’ve created the JMS package, uploaded a “software oracle.mgmt_agent.zip” with the “JMS_fleet-yyyymmdd-tttt_windows.ps1”.
-The powershell install invokes an install.bat from the “software oracle.mgmt_agent.zip”
-Installation Command: wait powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File “JMS_fleet-yyyymmdd-tttt_windows.ps1”
When I take action, BigFix returns and Completion with Exit Code 9009. Am I missing something here. I added the “JMS_fleet-yyyymmdd-tttt_windows.ps1” into the “software oracle.mgmt_agent.zip”, so the file should be there. Any help is appreciated.