Need help in this custom report

I am trying to build this webreport. The relevance works fine. But when i try to build the report it fails:

Any help on this.

table "border=1" of ( 
  (tr of (td of "Computer Name" & td of "IP Address" & td of "OS" & td of "Source ID" & td of "CVE ID" & td of "Fixlet Flag" & td of "Fixlet Name" & td of "Release Date" & td of "Severity" & td of "First Became Relevant" & td of "Last Became Relevant"))
& concatenation of trs of 
  ( td of (item 0 of it as string)
& td of (item 1 of it as string)
& td of (item 2 of it as string)
& td of (item 3 of it as string)
& td of (item 4 of it as string)
& td of (item 5 of it as string)
& td of (item 6 of it as string)
& td of (item 7 of it as string)
& td of (item 8 of it as string)
& td of (item 9 of it as string)
& td of (item 10 of it as string))
of (
  (if (exists Name of Computer of it | false) then Name of Computer of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists IP Addresses of Computer of it | false) then concatenations ", " of (IP Addresses of Computer of it as string) else "<none>"),
  (if (exists Operating System of Computer of it | false) then Operating System of Computer of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists Source ID of Fixlet of it | false) then Source ID of Fixlet of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists CVE ID List of Fixlet of it | false) then CVE ID List of Fixlet of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists Fixlet Flag of Fixlet of it | false) then Fixlet Flag of Fixlet of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists Name of Fixlet of it | false) then Name of Fixlet of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists Source Release Date of Fixlet of it) then Source Release Date of Fixlet of it as string else "Fri, 15 Feb 1980"),
  (if (exists Source Severity of Fixlet of it | false) then Source Severity of Fixlet of it else "<none>"),
  (if (exists First Became Relevant of it) then First Became Relevant of it as string else "Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000"),
  (if (exists Last Became Relevant of it) then Last Became Relevant of it as string else "Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000")

The provided relevance is missing a crucial component: of results of bes fixlets. This part is essential to properly associate the queried properties with the relevant fixlets within BigFix.

Additionally, the current code lacks specific filters, resulting in a large and potentially unmanageable volume of data. To make the report more effective and focused, it’s recommended to filter the data based on particular needs.

Breaking the code into smaller segments is also recommended. This approach allows you to isolate and identify which part of the relevance is not producing the expected results, facilitating a more efficient debugging process.

i missed that part.

Here is my relevance:

(	item 0 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	item 1 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	item 2 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	item 3 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	item 4 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	item 5 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	item 6 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	(if (year of it as integer = 1980) 
		then ("<none>") 
			(year of it as string & "/" & 
			(month of it as two digits) as string & "/" & 
			(day_of_month of it as two digits) as string) ) 
				of (item 7 of it as date) & "$x$" &
	item 8 of it as string  & "$x$" &
	(if ((year of date (local time zone) of it) as integer = 1980) 
		then ("<none>") 
		else (
			(year of it as string & "/" & 
			 month of it as two digits & "/" & 
			 day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of it & " " & 
			(two digit hour of it as string & ":" & 
			 two digit minute of it as string) of time (local time zone) of it)) 
				of (item 9 of it as time) & "$x$" &
	(if ((year of date (local time zone) of it) as integer = 1980) 
		then ("<none>") 
		else (
			(year of it as string & "/" & 
			 month of it as two digits & "/" & 
			 day_of_month of it as two digits) of date (local time zone) of it & " " & 
			(two digit hour of it as string & ":" & 
			 two digit minute of it as string) of time (local time zone) of it)) 
				of (item 10 of it as time)) 
of (
	(if (exists Name of Computer of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (Name of Computer of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists IP Addresses of Computer of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (IP Addresses of Computer of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists Operating System of Computer of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (Operating System of Computer of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists Source ID of Fixlet of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (Source ID of Fixlet of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists CVE ID List of Fixlet of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (CVE ID List of Fixlet of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists Fixlet Flag of Fixlet of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (Fixlet Flag of Fixlet of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists Name of Fixlet of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (Name of Fixlet of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists Source Release Date of Fixlet of it) 
		then (Source Release Date of Fixlet of it as string) 
		else ("Fri, 15 Feb 1980")), 
	(if (exists Source Severity of Fixlet of it | false) 
		then (concatenations "%0A" of (Source Severity of Fixlet of it as string)) 
		else ("<none>")), 
	(if (exists First Became Relevant of it) 
		then (First Became Relevant of it as string) 
		else ("Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000")), 
	(if (exists Last Became Relevant of it) 
		then (Last Became Relevant of it as string) 
		else ("Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000"))) 
	of bes fixlets 
		whose (
			(name of site of it = "Enterprise Security"))

Still when i put in webreports it doesnot work.

Try this:

table "border=1" of ( 
  (tr of (td of "Computer Name" & td of "IP Address" & td of "OS" & td of "Source ID" & td of "CVE ID" & td of "Fixlet Flag" & td of "Fixlet Name" & td of "Release Date" & td of "Severity" & td of "First Became Relevant" & td of "Last Became Relevant"))
& concatenation of trs of 
  ( td of (item 0 of it as string)
& td of (item 1 of it as string)
& td of (item 2 of it as string)
& td of (item 3 of it as string)
& td of (item 4 of it as string)
& td of (item 5 of it as string)
& td of (item 6 of it as string)
& td of (item 7 of it as string)
& td of (item 8 of it as string)
& td of (item 9 of it as string)
& td of (item 10 of it as string))
of (   (if (exists Name of Computer of it | false) then Name of Computer of it as string else "<none>"),   (if (exists IP Addresses of Computer of it | false) then concatenations ", " of (IP Addresses of Computer of it as string) else "<none>"),   (if (exists Operating System of Computer of it  as string | false) then Operating System of Computer of it else "<none>"),   (if (exists Source ID of Fixlet of it as string  | false) then Source ID of Fixlet of it else "<none>"),   (if (exists CVE ID List of Fixlet of it | false) then CVE ID List of Fixlet of it  as string else "<none>"),   (if (exists Fixlet Flag of Fixlet of it | false) then Fixlet Flag of Fixlet of it as string  else "<none>"),   (if (exists Name of Fixlet of it | false) then Name of Fixlet of it  as string else "<none>"),   (if (exists Source Release Date of Fixlet of it) then Source Release Date of Fixlet of it as string else "Fri, 15 Feb 1980"),   (if (exists Source Severity of Fixlet of it | false) then Source Severity of Fixlet of it  as string else "<none>"),   (if (exists First Became Relevant of it) then First Became Relevant of it as string else "Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000"),   (if (exists Last Became Relevant of it) then Last Became Relevant of it as string else "Fri, 15 Feb 1980 00:00:00 -0000")) of results of bes fixlets whose (name of site of it = "Enterprise Security")