Need help in a relevance

Hi All,

Lately we have deployed a critical content on desktops/laptops machines and found 5% of the machines remaining to be in “Pending Downloads” and while digging the logs of the problematic machines are showing error in logs “Cannot empty _Download directory” and “Version difference, gathering action site”.

I know the first error when BES client tries to send the file in __Download folder of a particular fixlet site and is not able to clean the existing files (may be in use) and that’s why the error is being repeated throughout. We may need to find the file in use which sounds like a pain.

However the second error “Version difference, gathering action site” would mean that root server is unable to share the current site data with few of the endpoints and may require a resync by deleting the __BESData folder.

To check the existence of these 2 errors I am trying to create a property with client relevance to give boolean output so that I can check how many endpoints have the problematic scenario and may be we shall use it for the future to troubleshoot the endpoints in advance.

The relevance I have is
exists lines whose (it contains “Version difference, gathering action site”) of files whose (name of it as lowercase ends with “.log”) of folders “Logs” of folders “__BESData” of folders “__Global”

But the relevance shows the result as false even the endpoint has the error string present in logs. Please suggest the relevance we can use to check the existence of error in client log files.

Thanks & Regards,

The second error in question does not necessarily mean the Clients are having issues synchronizing with the actionsite, however, as to the relevance question, try something like:

exists locked lines whose (it contains "Version difference, gathering action site") of files whose (name of it as lowercase ends with ".log") of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of data folder of client

(2 notes: 1) when building such relevance, it helps to do it in stages…running just files whose (name of it as lowercase ends with “.log”) of folders “Logs” of folders “__BESData” of folders “__Global” fails to return the files and points to one of the issues of the relevance (i.e. folders __Global is not sufficient by itself as a reference…however, the data folder of client inspector helps provide a reference that we can use), 2) the other consideration here is that the current log is typically ‘locked’, and so, we need to use locked lines of <file>.)

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