Hi All, Could you please help me with the attribute name to be called in an API call to fetch “Relay selection method” of the client (manual or automatic). I choose to use “Bigfix Relay selection method of it” but did not work out. Please suggest on this!! Ty
@tarwaniv, I think you mean “BES Relay Selection Method” as the property name.
Yes…I would need to use it to get the corresponding values as an output of an api call.
The below session relevance will give you what you need and you can post that as a query through RestAPI just fine.
relay selection method of bes computer : string
@tarwaniv, please try the following session relevance from the QNA tool in WebReports (i.e. https://bes-webreports-hostname:8083/webreports?page=QNA).
(name of it, relay selection method of it) of bes computers
For me, the above query returns a comma delimited tuple of computer names and relay affiliation type.
Q: (name of it, relay selection method of it) of bes computers
A: HOSTNAME-01, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-02, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-03, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-04, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-05, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-06, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-07, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-08, Automatic
A: HOSTNAME-09, Automatic
For additional assistance with crafting your REST API queries, please visit the Getting Started documentation on the BigFix Developer site.
I tested on relevance tester and it say “SIngular expression refers to nonexistent object”. Is it that we need to create a property to obtain the value?
Both the name and relay selection method properties are OOTB. Can you please verify that you’ve executed the following query from within the WebReports QNA page of your BES instance?
(name of it, relay selection method of it) of bes computers
The above is a very simple session relevance query that should work in every BES instance.
I works like these
Q: names of bes computers whose (relay selection method of it = “Automatic”) but unable to get what i want
So I’m running the latest version of the BigFix platform (i.e. v10.0.1.41) and not having any issues. From your last screenshot, you’re running an older version of the platform, so there are differences.
I would refer to the session relevance documentation on the BigFix Developer website to ensure that the platform version you’re running supports the desired inspectors.
OK, thank you for your time on this.
That message could occur if there is even just one computer that has not reported it’s name or relay selection method. Work-around by either using plurals, or trapping the error with a pipe operator ( | )
Q: (names of it, relay selection methods of it) of bes computers
Q: (name of it | "not reported", relay selection method of it as string | "not reported") of bes computers