Need a correction in relevance for KB to exist

Hi All,

Please check the below relevance and suggest as if this should be the correct relevance to get the results through web reports for (X64) patches?

exists (string values of properties “HotFixID” of it) whose(it starts with “KB5004947 (x64)”) of select objects “HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering” of wmis
exists (string values of properties “HotFixID” of it) whose(it starts with “KB5004948 (x64)”) of select objects “HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering” of wmis

I got few patches installed but result shows as false. Please suggest as I need to get reports where I can produce results on a groups of servers to have these patches installed. Ty

It is valid relevance, but you will always get a result of ‘FALSE’ (as you have seen) because the you are looking for the wrong thing.

The best thing to do in cases like this is to see what values are being returned by the property ‘HotFixID’.

(string values of properties "HotFixID" of it) of select objects "HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering" of wmis

You will see just a list of KB numbers - the architecture is not part of the name

exists (string values of properties "HotFixID" of it) whose (it = "KB5004947") of select objects "HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering" of wmis

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Thanks a Lot!!