Anyone ever see NAN% when generating web reports? It fails to give a percentage and just give NAN% in that field. I know NAN means Not A Number, just need this fixed. We live and die off these reports. Help if you can.
Anyone ever see NAN% when generating web reports? It fails to give a percentage and just give NAN% in that field. I know NAN means Not A Number, just need this fixed. We live and die off these reports. Help if you can.
We’ll likely need more information here to be able to help. What type of reports are showing these errors? Can you share any further details and/or screenshots?
What report is this from?
Generally getting the “Not a Number” means the query is not error-trapping for things like “dividing by 0”.
I mean, what Web Report is it? The 'NaNx result generally comes from the Web Report definition, not from the client itself.
Hello Jasonwalker. Basically, when we extracted the web reports with the customized reports we are getting this error like this is what we imported and getting the error NAN% …
That is the divide by 0 problem.
What is the result of 0/0?
Only you can decide which answer you want, so only you can update the report, error trap the divide by zero and substitute your desired representation
Sometimes custom report was not loaded properly. Restart Bes web report service and relaunch web report. Might be will resolve the problem.