(imported topic written by BenKus)
To be more consistent with our naming conventions, we are going to change our Norton AntiVirus Fixlets on the Client Manager for AntiVirus Fixlet site to say “Symantec” instead of “Norton”.
The following Fixlets will be updated to replace “Norton” with “Symantec”:
ID Name
19 Norton Anti-Virus Service Not Running
20 Norton Anti-Virus Not Running
606 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Virus Definition Detected - Windows 95/98/ME
607 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Virus Definition Detected - Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
608 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Corporate Edition Virus Definition Detected
620 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Corporate Edition Virus Definition Detected - Auto Run Policy Version
627 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Corporate Edition Virus Definition Detected - Windows NT
629 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Corporate Edition Virus Definition Detected - Auto Run Policy Version - Windows NT
631 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Corporate Edition Virus Definition Detected - Windows XP/2003 (x64)
632 UPDATE: Outdated Norton Anti-Virus Corporate Edition Virus Definition Detected - Auto Run Policy Version - Windows XP/2003 (x64)
This shouldn’t affect any open actions and no action needs to be taken by most customers. However, if you are using custom-authored reports or direct database queries that reference these Fixlets by their name, you will need to be aware of the change.
Our current target is to make this name change on Jan 15, 2008.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns,