Multiple values

Q: unique values of (if exists friendly name of it then friendly name of it else if exists description of it then description of it else "NoDescOrFN") of active devices whose(class of it = "Keyboard")
A: HID Keyboard Device

How can I return - (if 2 keyboards are attached)

Q: unique values of (if exists friendly name of it then friendly name of it else if exists description of it then description of it else "NoDescOrFN") of active devices whose(class of it = "Keyboard")
A: HID Keyboard Device
A: HID Keyboard Device

Removing the, “Unique Values of” will show you how many there are


So simple, my head was hurting … thanks !

I would give this a try and see how you like this option:

(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of (if exists friendly name of it then friendly name of it else if exists description of it then description of it else "NoDescOrFN") of active devices whose(class of it = "Keyboard")

Also, you should reference the source when possible:

It is really helpful to give a greater context.