I’m reviewing my Applicability Count for Windows Server 2008 R2 servers for MS13-053 (KB2850851). I’ve reviewed the Bulletin information and per Microsoft: “This security update is rated Critical for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows.” I validated with WSUS and WSUS is showing the correct Applicability Computer Count based on the information covered within the Bulletin. Can someone review Fixlet Applicability relevance, Fixlet ID: 1305321. Thanks.
Take a look at my screenshot. I’ve provided two extra checks at the bottom that returns values associated with the relevance 6 block. From what I can tell, your checks looking at the service branch are incorrect.
It seems the version block is telling it is in RTM but actually file version is in LDR range. Here is the new relevance: If this works for you, I will push it out soon. Thanks!
(exists file “win32k.sys” whose ((version of it >= “6.1.7601.21000” AND version of it < “6.1.7601.22348”) OR (version of it >= “6.1.7601.17000” AND version of it < “6.1.7601.18176”)) of it) of (system x64 folder)