MS12-020 re-release

(imported topic written by AnthonyGolda)

Will there be a new Fixlet coming out for the KB2667402-v2 ?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Just got asked the same question by the IT Security guys and was just about to post.

There is also MS12-025 that was re-released

MS12-020 -

MS12-025 -

Martin Carnegie

Gulf Breeze Software Partners

(imported comment written by TerryWeiChao)

Content published.


(imported comment written by ops1asg)

I had noticed there were fixlets yesterday under 3/12/2012 release date for the MS12-020 with a V2. Now they are not there but are in 6/12/2012. Were these the same fixlets? Were any additional changes made to the ones now under the current release date? Also, why was there such a delay in publishing these fixlets since the patches were released on Tuesday? Thanks!

(imported comment written by TerryWeiChao)

We are working on this. Content will be published later.
