MS Office Install from local directory

(imported topic written by jefister91)

When I first started using BigFix, I created an install of Office 2K3. Since it was so large (410MB) the distribution package would not complete when using the Software Distribution Wizard, so I had to use the sha1 and edit the Action with the follwoign script:

download http://HAZEBESENT:52311/Uploads/76149467ca65bdad58ba5445c987c97c60db2929/big1.tmp

continue if { (size of it = 410761012 and sha1 of it = “76149467ca65bdad58ba5445c987c97c60db2929”) of file “big1.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract big1.tmp

wait “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec”}” /i “{(pathname of client folder of current site) & “__Download\pro11.msi”}” TRANSFORMS=dos_o2k3.mst /qn

This worked great, except all the files in the __Dowload folder were deleted, so there is no installation point when a repair or change is run on the local PC. Does anyone know a way I can edit this so the files will copy to another location and that location will be the new install point? I can add the copy line, I think, after the extract line

md “c:\O2K3 Files”

Copy “__Dowload*.*” “c:\O2K3 Files”

That will get the files local but will not change the installation point. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(imported comment written by HGA8191)


We created a similar task to deploy Outlook 2003 to all our systems, below a quick summary:

//STEP 0 Download and Extract Installaltion Files


continue if { (size of it = 196109136 and sha1 of it = “cdc75df5a60c3cfc5e26f6b13a2e0fcd0a331458”) of file “big22.tmp” of folder “__Download”}

extract big22.tmp

// STEP 1 Make a Temp Directory where the Installation source will be stored:

dos mkdir “{expand environment string of “%25WINDIR%25\installer\MS0Cache”}”

// STEP 2 Delete temp file that has alrready been extracted (so it wont take up space when moving to local path)

delete “__Download\big22.tmp”

//STEP 3 Move Folders - Use the command Below to move each folder.

dos move “__Download\FILES” “{pathname of windows folder}\installer\MS0Cache”

//STEP 4 Move Files in Root Installation Dir

dos copy “__Download.” “{pathname of windows folder}\installer\MS0Cache”

//STEP 5 Run Setup from Local Path (using your installation Parameters, switches etc, etc)

waithidden “{pathname of windows folder}\installer\MS0Cache\setup.exe” /qb- nocancel=1

That worked for me for fresh installations.

If you want to correct existing Installations, you can always copy the Source files to the local computer and edit a registry key so computers point to that location when beeing modified or patched,

Look for your Office 2003 key under:


and add a new string value that points to the local path you just added, just be sure that the files you copy to the local computer are infact the original installation files.



(imported comment written by jefister91)

Thanks for the information. You have really saved me a lot of time! I have most of it working. My only issue now is trying to modify the registry for the source point. I have tried this command in my script two different ways:

regset "


" “1” = “%windir%\installer\MS0Cache”


regset "


" “1” = “%windir%\installer\MS0Cache” - with

The registry is not getting modified so neither line works. Can you tell me what I need to do differently? Thanks again - jefister

(imported comment written by jessewk)

you need to escape the back slashes in the regset:

regset "


" “1”="%windir%\installer\MS0Cache\"

(imported comment written by jefister91)

I’m not having much luck getting the Registry entry to change. The current entry is


Name =1 REG_EXPAND_SZ Data = C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\actionsite__Download

I have tried the following with no effect:

regset "


" “1”="{pathname of windows folder &"\installer\MS0Cache"}"

regset "


" “1”="{pathname of windows folder &"\installer\MS0Cache\"}"

regset "


" “1”="{pathname of windows folder}\installer\MS0Cache\"

regset "


" “1”="%windir%\installer\MS0Cache\"

I have tried to run the relevance debugger on this and either get “Error: A string constant had an improper %-sequence” or “Error: This expression could not be parsed.”

Any furtehr help would really be appreciated. I could even do some baking if that would help =^:^=