Mozilla Firefox Fixlets only available for End-User Windows versions(win7/Win8/Win10)

Is there any reason why the content to Patch the Firefox Browsers are made only available for end-user OSes(Win7/Win10/Win8)?

I found recently reviewing a vulnerability scan of our servers that some servers have very outdated versions of Mozilla Firefox.
When I go to the Firefox Fixlet I can see a relevance expression that restricts the OS versions to:

((name of it = "Win7") OR (name of it = "Win8") OR (name of it = "Win10")) of operating system

Meanwhile the Chrome Fixlets are relevant for Windows Server editions, why the difference?

This is due to the browser requirements:

My recommendation is to make a custom copy, then either add the server OS’s or replace the workstation OS’s with Server OS’s.
I also make the second action the default action as this will taskkill the browser if it is open.

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Just my personal take here so take it for what it is worth - but you should really reconsider having any web browser installed/available on a server. Lots of room for abuse and mistakes.