I want to move one or multiple fixlet/task from one site to another, is there any way using restapi, rather than export and import.
I want to move one or multiple fixlet/task from one site to another, is there any way using restapi, rather than export and import.
Select all of them in your console, right click and Export. that creates a .BES file. Then double click the .BES file and import all of them into the new site.
Can be done via REST, but it is a lot harder than the above process.
Thanks @brolly33 but that we generally do in same way however I usually use restapi to update fixlet/task so that duplicate copy not be created and avoiding export import.
Similarly looking something to add in their xml file(by default i didn’t saw any site name xml) like site name of something and put them back, i am thinking without creating duplicates and unnecessary triggering any applicability it would be good to do with restapi.
Make sense, thoughts pls.
"What counts as a duplicate Fixlet?" is part of what makes a REST API method tricky.
For external sites, we have a Site ID + Fixlet ID that will be the same on all BigFix servers and can be used for identity. This makes “duplicate detection” easy, and not even required, for this type of Fixlet content.
For your custom Fixlets, the FixletID is peculiar to the BigFix server it exists on. So for Fixlet A, it might be FixletID 123 on your first BigFix server but on import to your second BigFix server, it might end up with FixletID100 (or 200, or whatever is the next available ID on that server).
So, you cannot use that FixletID as your identifier for “what is a duplicate”. So, what might you use for duplicate identification? the Fixlet name? the relevance? the action script? other metadata? a combination of these? Whatever “Unique” ID you choose, you will have to code this into the logic you would have to wrap around the REST API query to import those Fixlets into the new BigFix server.