Just looking at the relevance, I am not sure you would want to run that as it would be very slow. On my test, it took about 20 secs for the relevance to complete in the debugger.
What I would recommend is that you write a fixlet that does the following:
Run a dir to get a list of all .lnk files and pipes it to a log file. I would use the “dir /b /s c:\Users*.lnk”
Use a VBS script to read the log file and fix the LNK file.
Now I am not sure on the requirements, so this is about all I can give you at this time. If you have some additional requirements, I (or others) could help you with this more.
For a VBS script to modify the shortcuts, take a look at:
inspector is very expensive, and should be avoided, or if needed, used in as minimal of scope as possible.
This should be MUCH faster, but for Users start menu only:
(pathname of it, pathname of shortcut of it, start in pathname of shortcut of it) of descendants whose(name of it as lowercase ends with “.lnk”) of folders “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu” of folders of folder “C:\Users”
Here is the above generalized for Desktop, Start Menu, QuickLaunch:
(pathname of it, pathname of shortcut of it, start in pathname of shortcut of it) of descendants whose(name of it as lowercase ends with “.lnk”) of (folders “Desktop” of it;folders “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu” of it;folders “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch” of it) of folders of folder “C:\Users”
Here is the above filtering for only “profox”:
(pathname of it, pathname of shortcut of it, start in pathname of shortcut of it) of descendants whose(name of it as lowercase ends with “.lnk” AND (pathname of shortcut of it as lowercase contains “profox”)) of (folders “Desktop” of it;folders “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu” of it;folders “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch” of it) of folders of folder “C:\Users”
The above relevance should work for WinVista or later, tested on Windows 8.