Mobile Device Management SHA256 Patch Release Announcement

(imported topic written by GinaW)

The IBM Mobile Device Manager Team is pleased to announce the release of a Mobile Device Management SHA256 Patch.

This release adds enhanced security features and SHA256 download support to your IEM deployment. Enhanced security options include SHA256 security at the platform level and for verifying downloads from external sites.

Implementation of the SHA256 Patch is recommend for all MDM customers.

Note to Customers with Android Endpoints: Enhanced Security for Android devices is not supported at this time. If you have Android devices in your deployment, we recommend that you do not enable enhanced security when deploying this patch.

Changes to Requirements for Proxy Agents

This patch includes changes to Proxy Agent requirements. For 9.1 and subsequent deployments:

· The Proxy Agent must be installed from the BES Support Server prior to deploying.

· From now on the proxy agent should be upgraded and removed using the BES Support site.

· The Proxy Agent can no longer be installed on the root server, it must be installed on a relay. However, previous installations on the root server will still function and upgrades will still work.

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes in this release:

· Display of iOS App versions in the Enterprise App Management dashboard.

· Unresolvable Android relay when configuring wildcard certificates in the Setup and Configuration dashboard.

· Action creation of custom copies of parameterized Fixlets.

· Ineffective refresh interval setting in the Setup and Configuration dashboard.

· Relevance query errors in the SAFE capability profiles dashboard.

· Refresh error in the Single Device View dashboard.

· Confusing default values in Maas360 Setup and Configuration dashboard.

Site Version

Mobile Device Management, version #96

Maas360 Mobile Device Management, version #5

Application Engineering Team

IBM Endpoint Manager