missing wwwrootbes directory on the besserver

I was about to try and manually load sha1 of unzip.exe from
Upgrade to the latest version of IBM License Metric Tool (
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BESServer\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads\sha1
due to a
Download error: “Unexpected HTTP response: 403 Forbidden”
that I’m trying to work around, but to my surprise wwwrootbes is missing. Its also missing on all 3 of our environment
test, UAT and PROD yet all is working. Was there a change in Bigfix that removed wwwrootbes from the directory structure? Do you see it in your environments?

Trying to understand why its missing. I’m running 10.0.9 level of BigFix.

Regards … Leslie Gomba

If you have access to the Root server registry, please check if the following key/value exists:
“value “wwwrootfolder” of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BigFix\Enterprise Server” of registry”?

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Hi Leslie,

No, wwwrootbes must be there.
Check the path and registry entry as sskunala has said.
If that is pointing elsewhere (it can do to allow for a large disk space etc for the Downloads/Uploads for instance) check in that path in the entry to see what is there.
If it is NOT there then all three of your deployments would seem to have issues, very unlikely or you would have known about it by now.

That was it, wwwrootbes is on the D: drive. Thank you.

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